added this 15 years ago
Ethiopian Cabbage - Delicious!
What you need:
1 onion, chopped
5 carrots, cut in chunks
1/4 cup olive oil
1/2 large head cabbage, cut into 1" pieces
2 potatoes, chopped into 1" cubes
1 cup water
1 teaspoon salt
1/2-1 teaspoon cumin
1/2-1 teaspoon turmeric
What you do:
1. I used a pressure cooker, but it can be made on the stove with a dutch oven, too. Saute onion and carrot in the oil for 10 minutes.
2. Add the other ingredients and cover. Stir occasionally.
3. When all veggies are soft, it is done. Delicious and nutritious.
Source of recipe: This recipe I found on, and made some changes, but this is an authentic African recipe.
Preparation Time:
20 minutes, Cooking time: 1 hour
Cooking Time:
1 hour
6 to 8
I make it with red cabbage, carrots, and onion. I may have ruined the authenticity by doing so, but I prefer toasting cumin seeds (along with pepper flakes and mustard seed) in the oil rather than using powder. Simple, but very delicious. A batch lasts me a week's worth of lunches!
The second time I made it, I made some sourdough pancakes (just sourdough starter, oil and salt) to go with it, since I don't have the stuff to make the traditional injera. It's perfect! Mmmm, going to go eat some more now.
I disagree about the potatoes being too much (then again I love potatoes). This is awesome! I did add one more tsp. of each of the spices and of salt, which may make it less bland for people who found it bland. Definitely going to make this again!
pretty good. a bit blander than id like. but good. i will make it again. maybe add some nutriotonal yeast next time.
def one potato. not two.
Yum! What a fantastic recipe. I tried Ethopian food for the first time a few months ago, and have had it a few times since and LOVE it. This dish is one of my favorites, and after finding a recipe for Injera (the flat bread served at restaurants) in Vegetarian Times I went searching for a way to make the cabbage dish. It turned out delicious and it was so simple to make. I do not own a pressure cooker or a dutch oven, so I simply made it in a pot with a tight fitting lid and that worked quite well. I used a sweet onion, waxy potatoes, an entire small head of cabbage, and a few more than 5 carrots as my Bunny-Luvs were on the small side.
Thanks for posting, foxlover! :)>>>
My 23 month old eats whole bowls of this! We all continue to love it...
Not long...I think I put it under pressure for about 25 minutes and then shut it off and let it cool. Pressure cooking is so fast.
For those of you who have cooked this in the pressure cooker, how long did you cook it for?
For those of you who have cooked this in the pressure cooker, how long did you cook it for?
This is amazingly good and so simple! I only had two carrots, unfortunately, but made it anyway. I agree with the previous reviewer who thinks fewer potatoes and more cabbage and carrots are the way too go. The potatoes were the bland part of this dish and the cabbage and carrots were sweet and flavorful. Next time I'll definitely make it with all 5 carrots and maybe only 1 potato. I might add an extra onion too.
Very delicious! I added a can of garbanzo beans and increased the cumin and turmeric. Thanks for sharing!