added this 19 years ago
Better Than Sex Cake
What you need:
1 package (18-20 ounces) vegan yellow cake mix
2/3 cup canola oil
4 egg replacers (I like Ener-G)
1 (11 ounce) can mandarin oranges, undrained Frosting, optional:
1 package (3 ounces) instant vanilla pudding
1 (8 ounce) can crushed pineapple, undrained
8 ounces vegan whipped cream (I use Hip Whip)
What you do:
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease 9x13" pan. Mix cake ingredients together with beaters until well mixed. Oranges should be broken up completely.
2. Pour into prepared pan and for 35 minutes.
3. For frosting, mix pineapple with the dry pudding mix. Fold in whipped cream. Spread on cake when cooled.
Preparation Time:
45 minutes
Cooking Time:
Recipe Category:
I made this recipe and then told my wife the name of it. I thought (hoped) she would take that as a challenge to prove you wrong! It all backfired though as she wouldn't stop eating the cake and then afterwards got drowsy and slipped off to sleep. :'( Now what am I supposed to do? How am I ever going to find out if it really is better than sex? Wait a minute I think she is waking up. OK, time for the test. ^-^ I'll be back with the results.
I made this recipe and then told my wife the name of it. I thought (hoped) she would take that as a challenge to prove you wrong! It all backfired though as she wouldn't stop eating the cake and then afterwards got drowsy and slipped off to sleep. :'( Now what am I supposed to do? How am I ever going to find out if it really is better than sex? Wait a minute I think she is waking up. OK, time for the test. ^-^ I'll be back with the results.
Hi everyone -- this cake is absolutely FABULOUS!! I give it 5 stars! Hip Whip no longer exists but this wonderful new product called Soy whip does. It is in the refrigerated section with the milk/creamers and comes in a little box kind of like the silken tofu does. Anyway, for the frosting all I did was substitute soy whip for the hip whip and it turned out great! I also mixed the egg replacer powder with the syrup from the mandarin oranges before adding it to the batter. My cake turned out nice and moist - not crumbly at all!
This is by far the most delicious edible thing I have ever consumed. Bless you for sharing this with us. 8-)
Can anyone tell me what hip whip is? Thanks in advance
Hip Whip is vegan whipped cream. I don't believe it's made anymore, but I believe Soyatoo whipped cream in a can and heavy whipping cream are available at some health food stores. I've been lucky enough to find Rich Whip (vegan) in my Lucky Supermarket (northern CA) which carries many kosher items. (It's not marketed as vegan and I haven't ever found it in any health food store).
Can anyone tell me what hip whip is? Thanks in advance
Quite a bold statement, I'll have to it a try ^-^
The name of the recipe caught my eye. I love food but there is no way it is better than sex. I will make it anyway out of curiosity.
The cake had good flavor, but it was sooo crumbly! Egg replacers never seem to work well with boxed baking mixes (I used Duncan Hines). Although I was dying to make the frosting, I wasn't able to due to my lack of success in finding Soyatoo heavy whipping cream, as Hip Whip has gone the way of the dodo. (I made a bundt cake and just used a vanilla glaze, subbing coconut extract for the vanilla - yum!) I don't know if I'll be making this one again.
Where would you find vegan instant pudding mix?
I find mine at Wegman's, a local grocery store. It's made by Mori-Nu, the folks that make the aseptic silken tofu in 12 oz. packages. I'd assume any health food store would have some, too. Good luck.