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Member since December 1969

Best Vegan Mac and Cheese in the entire world...seriously

What you need: 

1 1/2 pounds pasta, preferably macaroni "Cheese" Sauce:
1 1/2 cups unsweetened nondairy milk
1 1/2 cups nutritional yeast
1 cup canola or vegetable oil
1 cup water
1/3 cup tamari or soy sauce
1/4 (12 ounce) block firm (not silken) tofu
1 tablespoon garlic powder
1 tablespoon paprika
1 tablespoon vegesal or in lack of fancy product, just use salt
1 dollop mustard, optional

What you do: 

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Boil water in a big pot and cook pasta according to package directions.
2. Add all of the "cheese" sauce ingredients in a blender and process until smooth. Once pasta is cooked, drain and put it in the baking pan (about the size of a brownie pan). Pour the "cheese" sauce over the pasta.
3. Bake until the top of the pasta looks slightly browned and crispy, about 15 minutes.
This is very simple and tastes amazing! If you are cooking for yourself, it will last about 5 days if you eat it for all three meals of the day.

Preparation Time: 
about 8 minutes; Cooking Time: 15 minutes
Cooking Time: 


the name does not lie.  Im used to buying the vegan mac and chreeses in the boxes, they get a bit pricey. this is better, more cheesy and i added some peans and onions and being southern californian, love my hot sauce! AMAZING.  AMAZING! FREAKIN' AMAZING. I love you


I made this exactly according to the recipe, save for substituting the paprika (I don't have any, new apartment) for Tabasco. I'd have to say that it was just "okay." Nothing incredible, though I guess I was hoping for something that was on the "cheesy" side. It was also my first experience with nutritional yeast, and thus good practice, I think. It did look and smell delicious, however! =D


wowzers this was good! i cut down the recipe in thirds and my husband and i finished it all! i didnt add any soy sauce and it was still salty so next time i will omit the salt as well. i didnt have any paprika so i added some chili powder instead. i used mostly earth balance and a little canola oil. i also added broccoli! its the bomb-dot-com.


I've made this recipe (1/2 everything) about 6 times now for vegan and none vegan and seriously, there's never any left overs. When I tried to make the full recipe at home, my husband ate until he nearly burst... he ate 4 people's worth at a time! So I half everything to avoid the temptation for him ;)b

Seriously gooooood


wow, add broccoli and a can of mixed veg to this. it's amazing how much of a different it makes! If you liked it without the veg, you'll definitely love it with!  ;)b


I challenge anyone who makes this to keep leftovers longer than three days!  This stuff is seriously excellent and will make any veggie's belly smile :)

I made this with the following changes: no paprika on hand, but added a handful of cherry tomatoes for color and several drops of hot sauce and fresh cracked black pepper.  I used 3/4 block of tofu and a 1/3 cup oil and it still came out nice and creamy.  Upped the protein content (though it doesn't really need it with all the nutritional yeast) by adding some cut up Tofu Pups.  Next time, I'm thinking I'll throw in some veggies like frozen peas and broccoli. 

Happy chowing!


-halved the recipe
-used whole wheat pasta
-nixed the salt and water
-moderated the soy sauce
-baked it hotter (375-400)

It was very yummy!  I'm thinking about putting some cooked spinach in it.


I used this recipe as my intro to nutritional yeast, and I could not be happier.
I felt like everyone was saying "BEWARE! Not for the fainthearted!"
but I'm good. :)


:D Yum Yum Super YUM!!! I only added a pinch of salt and I used the whole cup of water to thin it out some.....WOW this was delish....mmmm mmmm I think I had like 5ths could have more but would be way to full. Super Super good.

Thanks you !


Okay, so, um....I love you!  :)>>>

This recipe is just plain awesome.  I made a few adjustments:  used only 1/2 cup oil, and added about 1/3 a block of firm tofu. 
This will be a regular in our household!  Thanks bunches!



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