In a small bowl, mix the flax seeds with 6 tbsp. of water and let stand for more or less 10 minutes.
In a small food processor or with a mixer, puree the white beans with 4 tbsp. of water. You would probably need less if you use canned white beans, the are so overcooked.
In another bowl, combine the rice flour, the sorghum flour, the potato starch, the baking powder, the chocolate chips and the walnuts.
In another bowl, cream the butter and the brown sugar. Then gradually add the flour mix, the white bean puree and the flax seeds.
On a cookie sheet, make your 12 big cookies or more if they are smaller and place it in the oven.
Cook them for approx. 20 minutes or until the bottom turns golden.
Remove them from the oven and place them on a wire rack for 10 minutes to cool down.