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Member since April 2003

Vegetables, Rice and Tofu

What you need: 

1/2 cup of Rice
1 cup of water
1/2 a cube of Tofu (medium firm)
1-2 tomatoes
1/2-1 onion
1 garlic clove
soya sauce
1 tablespoon oil (I prefer olive)

What you do: 

Begin by boiling the water, add rice to boiling water and let simmer until all the water is gone. While the rice is cooking chop up vegetables and place in a sauce or frying pan with the oil. Let cook for several minutes and then add drained and crumbled tofu with desired amount of soya sauce. Cook until vegetables are tender. Serve vegetable mixture over rice and enjoy!
*Any kind of vegetables can be used. *Spice it up with your favourite spices.(I like oregano) **Skip the extra salt since soya sauce is loaded with it.

Preparation Time: 
Cooking Time: 


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