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Member since March 2003

Roasted Cauliflower Soup

What you need: 

1 head cauliflower
lots of garlic (I used around 7 large cloves)
olive oil
1 to 1 1/2 teaspoon whole cumin seeds
1/2 teaspoon whole coriander seeds
around 5 cups water
broth powder or just some generous squirts of Braggs

What you do: 

Cut up the cauliflower, peel the garlic cloves and put them in a baking pan. Pour olive oil generously over them and bake (can't tell exactly what temperature since my oven isn't very reliable - something moderate) for something like 20 minutes (until the cauliflower and garlic are roasted and golden).
Meanwhile, toast the seeds (just cumin is really delicious but the second time I added a little bit of coriander, which was also nice) in a dry pan until they brown slightly and smell fragrant.
Crush the seeds (assume a mortar and pestle would be perfect for this, but without such kitchen utensils at my disposal, I put them in a Ziploc bag and roll a bottle over them until they're ground).
Put the cauliflower and garlic in a pot with the toasted spices, water and either broth powder or some Braggs/soy sauce (or you could use broth - but the first time I made it I only had Braggs and it was really delicious just like that). Bring to a boil and cook until the cauliflower is really soft (shouldn't be too long since it was already cooked in the oven).
Puree in a blender until completely smooth.
Depending on your broth/use of Braggs/soy sauce, you might want to add some salt to taste.
This is such a creamy soup and with only a few ingredients, it lets the cauliflower really shine! I’ve only had glowing reviews :)

Preparation Time: 
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:D cool soup if you want contact me (wave hello) send me a message and maybe we can to know each other


Pretty tasty, in a subtle sort of way.  I added some pepper which made a big difference, as did the salt to taste at the end.  I also used 1 1/2 bulbs of garlic and I'm glad I did as they contributed significantly to the flavor.  The toasted whole spices were a nice touch.  I may enjoy this soup more in the winter time and will try it again then.

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