added this 12 years ago
Raw Cream Of Celery Soup
What you need:
2 stalks celery, chopped
1/2 medium zucchini, peeled & chopped
1/4 cup peeled almonds or hemp seeds
1/2 large avocado (1/4 for soup, 1/4 for garnish)
1/8 sweet onion (optional)
1/4 to 1/2 cup water to thin (start with 1/4 cup)
Choice of seasoning to your liking…
Pink Himalayan salt
Wheat free soy sauce
Dulse flakes (my personal favorite)
What you do:
Place all ingredients in blender except for avocado and
blend till completely smooth.
Add avocado and continue blending (add water if to thick).
Garnish with remaining avocado, black pepper and dried parsley.
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