Mekos Fat Minestrone
1 courgette
2 large carrots
2 sticks celery
1 large leek
2 cups kidney beans(ready to use from tin)
1(or more) cup/s large pasta shapes-penne, bows, whatever takes your fancy
1 cup frozen peas
1 tin chopped tomatoes
2 pints vegetable stock
salt/pepper to taste
Chop the carrot, courgette and celery into small pieces (about half inch cubes)and finely slice the leek. Place these, along with the frozen peas, in a large pot with about 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Wait for the veggies to start sizzling, give 'em a quick stir then cover, and leave to sweat and soften for about fifteen minutes.
Next, add in the stock and tomatoes and give another quick stir, bring to the boil then cover and leave to simmer for 25 minutes.
Finally, season the soup, then add the kidney beans and pasta shapes and simmer for approx. another ten minutes, or until the pasta shapes are cooked.
Ta-da!....yummy, seriously filling minestrone soup :)
Thank you!
courgette = zucchini
what is courgette?