added this 17 years ago
Hobo Tabouleh
What you need:
4 cups water
3/4 cup cous cous
1 whole carrot, grated
1 cup frozen corn, thawed
2 cups fresh parsley, chopped
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoon olive oil
What you do:
Boil 4 cups of water, pour over cous cous, cover and let sit & cool.
Once cous cous is cool and ready, mix in ingredients and store in fridge.
Great as a lunch or a side salad.
Preparation Time:
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Recipe Category:
Cous cous is a pasta-type product. It is very small grained and very quick cooking. Look for it in the pasta or rice section of your grocery store. You can sometimes find it with Rice-a-Roni.
whats "cous cous' :o