Fat free Broccoli salad
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
salt, to taste
1 cup fresh broccoli
1/2 large red onion, sliced
1/4 cup green or black olives, pits removed
fresh parsley, to taste, finely chopped
2-3 fresh basil leaves, chopped Fruit Dressing:
1/2 fresh large pear
1/3 teaspoon ground ginger
1/3 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon apple or rice vinegar
1/2 lemon, zested
1. Fill a deep saucepan with water and put over high heat. When it starts to boil, add baking soda (it keeps the beautiful green color of the veggies) and salt, to taste.
2. Add the broccoli, cover and cook until tender. Once ready, dry the broccoli and pour into a deep serving salad bowl. Add onion and olives. Add parsley, basil, and salt, to taste.
3. Pour all ingredients for the dressing in the food processor and blend on high spead until it's creamy without any lumps. Add to the salad and stir well with a spoon.
4. Cover the salad bowl with a plastic wrap and allow to rest in the refrigerator about 30 minutes, then serve.
I think it would be tasty served warm too, but I prefer my salads cold. It depeds of your taste. Enjoy.
Source of recipe: One of my favorite recipes. It's fat-free because of the fruit dressing. The pear gives a strong and particular sweet and sour taste. If you like your salad to have more delicate taste, substitute the pear with half cooked apple.
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