added this 17 years ago
ChocoNana Smoothie
What you need:
1 cup Very Vanilla Soy Milk
1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder
1 ripe banana
5 ice cubes
What you do:
Pour the soymilk in the blender. Add cocoa powder. Add peeled ripe banana. Add the ice cubes - 5 standard ice cube tray square ice cubes or the equivalent in little ice cubes. Start with 12 if you only have the smaller cubes and keep adding until you get a smoothie consistency so you don`t overdue it. Add soy protein powder if you wish. Just blend REALLY well to incorporate.
Preparation Time:
3 minutes
Cooking Time:
Recipe Category:
I also add peanut butter. But in place of ice cubes I use a mild flavor frozen fruit such as peaches or mango chunks. Very good.
I make this all the time, but add peanut butter. mmmm