BuGs Hassle Free Spaghetti Sauce
1 small red pepper
1/2 kg of tomatoes
3 cloves of garlic
grounded pepper
one small onion [optional}
1 cup of textured soy protein {optional}
Cut the tomatoes into quaters or small chunks{doesn't really matter} and throw them into a pot. Let them cook on high for 5 minutes stirring it occasionnally. Once most of it has become into soupy mixture throw in the diced garlic, chopped onion, textured soy protein and cut red peppers. Lower the heat and let it cook for another 10 minutes. The peppers and tomatoes should be soft and stir it occasionnaly. Add salt and pepper depending on your taste and serve with spaghetti or you can eat it as a dip. My mate can't eat onions so I found this is a healthy and delicious meal to make. It is cheap to do also.
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