added this 18 years ago
Broccoli Stirfry
What you need:
1 broccoli head plus the stem, separate head and finely chop stem
3 oz mushrooms, cut up
1/2 green bell pepper, chopped
1/2 red bell pepper, chopped
1/2 cup water, add more during cooking if needed
1/4 cup lite soy sauce, or to taste
large handful of fresh spinach
What you do:
In any skillet or pan with a lid, add water and the veggies except for the spinach. Cover, cook on medium approximately 15 minutes (your choice)...stir 2 or 3 times. Pour on soy sauce, stir, add spinach, stir, cover and cook addition 5 minutes.
This is good alone or on rice.
Preparation Time:
30 minutes
Cooking Time:
Recipe Category:
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