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Member since December 1969

Best Vegan Mac and Cheese in the entire world...seriously

What you need: 

1 1/2 pounds pasta, preferably macaroni "Cheese" Sauce:
1 1/2 cups unsweetened nondairy milk
1 1/2 cups nutritional yeast
1 cup canola or vegetable oil
1 cup water
1/3 cup tamari or soy sauce
1/4 (12 ounce) block firm (not silken) tofu
1 tablespoon garlic powder
1 tablespoon paprika
1 tablespoon vegesal or in lack of fancy product, just use salt
1 dollop mustard, optional

What you do: 

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Boil water in a big pot and cook pasta according to package directions.
2. Add all of the "cheese" sauce ingredients in a blender and process until smooth. Once pasta is cooked, drain and put it in the baking pan (about the size of a brownie pan). Pour the "cheese" sauce over the pasta.
3. Bake until the top of the pasta looks slightly browned and crispy, about 15 minutes.
This is very simple and tastes amazing! If you are cooking for yourself, it will last about 5 days if you eat it for all three meals of the day.

Preparation Time: 
about 8 minutes; Cooking Time: 15 minutes
Cooking Time: 


Amazing, amazing, amazing!!!!  Just started eating vegan and this is the best mac and cheese I have ever had!!  Used half of the oil called for and 3 tablespoons Earth Balance.  Omitted the salt due to previous reviews and the pasta was amazing!!  Did I already say that?


Waaaaaay good.  I have used the recipe to secure spots in several co-ops.  I like to put this gravy over green beans for thanksgiving for a bomb vegan green bean casserole.  I typically half the oil though, cut the salt, and use firmtofu.  I like the texture more.  I have been thinking about thickening with an avocado, but might need to wait until next season.  Thanks!


I don't know if I did something wrong, but when I made this, I halved the recipe, and it turned out terrible :( I saw how many people said how great it was and got really excited. But I dunno. It wasn't that great. Maybe I'll try it another time but make the whole recipe. It was very dark brown and scared my fiancee. We'll see next time.


Thank you for telling me about the pee- I thought it was just me, lol.  I loved this when I first made it because the sauce was very good.  I didn't realize I didn't have wnough pasta until it was too late.  I only had a pound.  I also used ziti since I had no other small pasta on hand.  It was still good.


On a sidenote, nutritional yeast is high in B vitamins, which are water soluble--that's why some people mentioned the yellow pee, it's the extra b vitamins your body can't use being excreted. Appetizing, I know! But back to the recipe, I'm not even a vegetarian anymore and I still crave this even though I can eat the regular thing... it's just so good, makes so much, is so easy, and freezes well. I don't have a blender but I think I'm going to make it tonight anyway, I'll let you know how it goes.


This was really good. If you like nutritional yeasty vegan mac n' cheeses, this one is sure to please. It's very rich, which is something that I like. I used rice milk instead of soy milk, tamari instead of soy sauce, sea salt instead of vegesal, and Earth Balance (vegan butter) instead of oil. I opted to include the dollop of mustard, and topped individual servings with "buttery" crackers for additional taste and texture. Thank you for this recipe!  :)


;)b  This was the best Mac n Cheese recipe I have ever tried!  I've been trying to find a good one since I had the Mac n Cheese at Sublime in Ft. Lauderdale (Vegan Restaurant).  This was WAY Better!!!  I omitted the water, used half Earth Balance Margarine/Half Oil, Only used 1 # of pasta, and added a little cayenne pepper and onion powder.  I topped it with crushed back to nature crackers and dusted with a bit more cayenne pepper & paprika before baking.  It was FANTASTIC!  My Vegan Mother and I devoured it!  Yet we still had about 3/4 of a pan left.  Thanks for a great recipe!  If you're craving Mac & cheese...this is the way to go!!!!    ;)b


;)b This was very good! I cooked it longer to get it crispy and I made sure to half the soy sauce and go easy on the Vegesal.  My hubby thought it tasted like smoky, aged cheddar mac n cheese. What a compliment! We had to get initiated into non-cheese mac n cheese by trying Road's End version, so I think if you haven't gone through that process you won't appreciate this recipe as much.  It's an aquired thing, I think.


Oh.My.God! This is seriously the best vegan mac and cheese! I just spent over $100 on Vegan cookbooks but I have yet to use them because I keep finding the best recipes on here, including this one! ESPECIALLY this one! I'll be making it again and again!

I omitted the bread crumbs but added a bit vegan butter into the mixture before I put it in the oven to make it a bit creamy.


This was pretty good. I didn't put any oil in, only used half of a block of tofu, and used WAY more garlic powder, but I am a huge garlic fiend. I also threw some bread crumbs on top, broiled for a minute at the end of the baking time. I don't think it's the best in the world, but it's definitely good enough for me.



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