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Member since December 1969

Best Vegan Mac and Cheese in the entire world...seriously

What you need: 

1 1/2 pounds pasta, preferably macaroni "Cheese" Sauce:
1 1/2 cups unsweetened nondairy milk
1 1/2 cups nutritional yeast
1 cup canola or vegetable oil
1 cup water
1/3 cup tamari or soy sauce
1/4 (12 ounce) block firm (not silken) tofu
1 tablespoon garlic powder
1 tablespoon paprika
1 tablespoon vegesal or in lack of fancy product, just use salt
1 dollop mustard, optional

What you do: 

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Boil water in a big pot and cook pasta according to package directions.
2. Add all of the "cheese" sauce ingredients in a blender and process until smooth. Once pasta is cooked, drain and put it in the baking pan (about the size of a brownie pan). Pour the "cheese" sauce over the pasta.
3. Bake until the top of the pasta looks slightly browned and crispy, about 15 minutes.
This is very simple and tastes amazing! If you are cooking for yourself, it will last about 5 days if you eat it for all three meals of the day.

Preparation Time: 
about 8 minutes; Cooking Time: 15 minutes
Cooking Time: 


okay... this is seriously so good. thanks so much for giving me a snack to eat ALL THE EFFIN TIME!


This was okay. WAY TOO MUCH salt and garlic powder though. It's almost overpowering. I opened my refridgerator this morning and the smell of garlic filled my little kitchen! lol I will be making this again, but with half the oil, no salt, and just a tad of garlic powder. I can only eat a little bit at a time because it's so rich. Adding some vegan cream cheese sounds like an awesome idea too, to the person above who suggested that. Not bad, but not great either, sorry.


The first time I made this recipe (a little more than a year ago), I really hated it... I thought I had to say adieu to mac and cheese, but, good news : maybe I forgot the taste of cheese or I just get used to NY taste, but now I LOVE this mac and cheese. I'm craving it all time  ;)b I'm really happy!

By the way, it's really good with onion, zucchini, tomato and a lot of pepper.


This was not the best recipe I've tried from this website.  The soy sauce was way too much.  It was very, very salty.  I liked the suggestion to add beans and salsa; I think I'll do that tonight with the left-overs.


Very good substitute for the old standby.  I would add a bit of lemon juice and vegan cream cheese, however, next time to add more tang and a little brightness.  My kids devoured it.


I'm sorry but I made this and did not like it at all.
Not sure if it was too salty or garlicky, but it was very gross, and sorry I will not make this again and this is not the best vegan mac and cheese in the entire world...   ???

I agree, I was so sad when this did not turn out...My boyfriend was really excited to try it (he is not vegan) and now I don't think he wants to eat any of my creations >.<


This totally rocks!! I made 1/4 of the recipe, added 2 tablespoons of earth balance butter instead of oil, threw in 2 soy hot dogs, added a dash of soy sauce and added bread crumbs on top. SO quick and easy.  My bf ate it w/ mustard and ketchup. Definitely a regular from now on.

How long do you think this would last in the freezer?


I had to go without cheese for a while to really come to enjoy nutritional yeast, (now I love it.)  I'm not a huge fan of the fake cheeses, but follow your heart montery jack, (melted, and mixed with other stuff can be a nice treat.)  using lots of earth balance helps make the nutritional cheeses extra yummy, ( or oil.)


well thank you! if you know how to use Google you might be able to find it too. Good luck on your search!

and google would likely turn up this recipe first anyway.


well thank you! if you know how to use Google you might be able to find it too. Good luck on your search!

So why is it so private if its on google? I don't understand why you would even mention that you have access to a better recipe if you aren't willing to share it. It just makes you seem like an ass.  ???



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