added this 15 years ago
BBQ Ranch Boca Burgers
What you need:
Burger Buns
Boca Burgers (original vegan)
Vegan Mayo
Parsley Flakes
Garlic Powder
Onion Powder
Your Favorite BBQ Sauce
Olive Oil
What you do:
Nuke Boca Burger in your microwave for 1 minute.
Fry up boca burger in olive oil on your stove until both sides barely start to blacken.
Toast burger bun.
Turn off stove burner and add a large dollop of bbq sauce on top of burger. Coat both sides of your burger by turning it over a few times.
Generously spread vegan mayo on both sides of your burger bun. Sprinkle garlic powder, onion powder, and parsley flakes on top of your vegan mayo.
Place bbq burger, lettuce, and tomato on dressed bun and your ready to go! Enjoy! I eat this with loads of ketchup.
Source of recipe: I wrote this recipe.
Preparation Time:
5 minutes, Cooking time: 5 minutes
Cooking Time:
5 minutes
Very Yummy! It was fast and easy to make too. My boss and I each ended up having 2 because we liked them so much! :)>>>
I like it! It's a small difference in taste that makes the sandwich interesting. My bf really likes this! He brings the sandwich to work, sans tomato and with lettuce in a different container to prevent soggy bread.
Good recipe.