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Member since April 2003

The Banana Bread of Kings

What you need: 

1 cup ready-to-eat bran cereal (I used Total - .5 g fat in 1 cup)
1 cup mashed ripe banana (2 ro 3)
3 tablespoons applesauce (replacing shortening)
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup + 2 tablespoon boiling water
1 1/2 cups sifted flour
2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt

What you do: 

Measure bran, banana, applesauce and vegan sugar in a large bowl. Add the water and stir.
In another bowl, sift together flour, baking soda, and salt (or don't sift it -- stirring it well with a fork works also). Add this to the banana mixture, stirring only until combined.
Pour into bread pan and stick in the oven.
Bake at 350 for about 45 min.
[hr] I tried this and its very good! Howe'ver, it doesn't really taste like bananas. It has more of a gingerbread taste, but it is moist and yummy. Plus there's almost no fat! Weve used it to replace our old chock-full-of-shortening-and-eggs version.
Archived comment by: dana [hr]on my screen there is a space between the applesauce and the boiling water. it looks as if there was another ingredient there. is there something there? thanks.
Archived comment by: toby [hr]Toby, it says 1/2 cup vegan sugar.
Archived comment by: heather [hr]MMMMMM.... =) I have made this a couple of times...for added yumminess, add some vegan choc. chips. It rox!
Archived comment by: michelle [hr]This recipe looks great. How can I make it in my bread machine? Thanks
Archived comment by: andrea [hr]No offense, but...why would you want to make a quickbread in your bread machine? That seems pretty lazy, considering there's not any kneading or anything. Just a thought.
Archived comment by: jen [hr]andrea -- my breadmachine has a quick bread setting, so obviously you are not the only person to want to do this. You need to check the specs on your model of breadmachine though, since each one is a little different.
Archived comment by: d [hr]Just so you know Total cereal just changed their recipe and it now contains lactose (milk vegan sugar). Anyone with food allergies or vegans would need to know this especially if they don't habitually read labels like I do.
Archived comment by: patricia [hr]howdy,out here in new orleans it takes more effort to be vegan,than say boston ,(home) even the veggie dishes have gator bits or some thing in them most of the time .well any way we trash picked a bunch of ripe bananas from the french market.............dinners at 8.... love.......frankie the veal
Archived comment by: francis [hr]This turned out well, even though I added 1 cup of applesauce instead of 3 tbs, which I think just made a denser, if slightly gummy vegan bread, getting close to cake texture. Also added chopped walnuts, which I highly recommend.
Archived comment by: coloraholic [hr] Very yummy! Even my non vegan co workers liked it!
Archived comment by: theora [hr] This is great! I use wheat flour, substitute maple syrup for sugar, and add a little vanilla. so good!
Archived comment by: piebird [hr] If you add about 3/4 teaspoon of lemon extract and use mushy bananas, it brings out the banana flavor and results in a better tasting bread. I also added chopped almonds for fun.
Archived comment by: elizabethlee [hr] fyi - i started this recipe before discovering my applesauce had gone bad - i used (full fat - not watered down) coconut milk and it worked out fine. added chopped dates too. good stuff
Archived comment by: mooose [hr] i made this the other day as a snack for my kids, who love banana bread. i subbed wheat flakes, whole wheat flour and fructose (because i had no clue what vegan sugar is...i thought it was all from plants). i did, howe'ver have the amaranth flour so that was a plus. the kids LOVED it, but kept calling it brownies so i decided to try a piece myself, not expecting to like it as i loathe banana breads. delicious. it was indeed like an earthy brownie. next time i think i will sub some bran buds for the wheat flakes, so it won't be as wheaty, heh. but all in all, its a fantastic recipe, and i will make it when i have a brownie craving. :)
Archived comment by: circe_golightly [hr] i really enjoyed this version of the classic banana bread recipe - especially adding the bran cereal, which is a great way of adding more fibre and nutrition. i also added some chocolate chips and made this in muffin formation instead, which turned out lovely and they're amazing.
Archived comment by: miss fickle [hr]

Preparation Time: 
Cooking Time: 
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Instead of the bran cereal i used black chocolate chip muesli (vegan), a whole cup of applesauce and about the same ingredients. AS you can see in the photo it turned out lighter than the one that used bran. Delicious,  crunchy crust and soft and moist on the inside.  :o


YUM!  Perfect texture, not overly sweet, a rather "hearty" flavor, in fact.  I'll definitely make this one again.


This was my first attempt at vegan baking....and it was amazing.  Even my non-vegan hubby and father-in-law loved it.  I doubled the recipe because all I had was a 9x13 cake pan.....I used a cup of applesauce, 1 grated apple, whole wheat flour and walnutsand in place of Total I used organic multi-grain flakes.  It still only takes about 45 minutes to bake.  It was moist, flavorful....and simply wonderful.

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