added this 16 years ago
Apple, Orange, Carrot, and Ginger Juice
What you need:
2 large apples
1 small orange
2 large carrots
1/2 to 1" piece ginger root, peeled
What you do:
You need a juicer for this recipe.
1) Juice ingredients in the following order, following the directions that came with your machiine: 1 apple, orange, carrots, ginger, 1 apple.
The ginger root is slightly thicker than the other ingredients so juice an apple last to clear everything out. This is really great stuff :)
Source of recipe: I think ginger is a popular thing to add to juices, I've had apple, carrot, and ginger juice somewhere before and I thought adding the orange would make it a whole lot sweeter.
Preparation Time:
5 minutes<br />*<br /><br />Makes: 2 servings, Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking Time:
Recipe Category:
This is a great juice combination. Sweet and delicious.