1/2 cup baking soda
1/2 cup cornstarch
40 to 50 drops (about 2 mL) essential oil(s): lavender, sandalwood, and/or oregano
few drops vitamin E oil (optional)
coconut oil, melted
1. In a bowl, combine baking soda, cornstarch, essential oil(s), and vitamin E; mix very well with a spoon.
2. Mix in just enough coconut oil to hold it all together. It should be a solid paste, NOT liquidy.
3. Smush the mixture into a few jars. Let it sit for a day or two so that it gets sturdier.
4. To use it, wet your fingertips, get a bit of the paste on your fingertips, and use your fingers to rub it evenly on your armpits. Use very little. (Don't use so much that you get a white residue on your armpits.)