2 frozen bananas
1/3 cup frozen blueberries
1 cup (or more) frozen strawberries
2 handfuls kale
4 tablespoons hemp protein
Coconut water
Orange juice
Flax seed (optional)
1. In your blender or VitaMix add enough liquids (coconut water and orange juice combined) to go right above the blades.
2. Cut up the frozen bananas in to little chunks and blend with the liquids
3. Add each of the other frozen fruits individually and blend.
4. Add kale, protein powder, and flax seeds if desired. Blend and enjoy.
You may have to add more liquids throughout the blending process if your blender is having a hard time chopping up the fruits. I generally add more coconut water, since it is high in electrolytes.
I try this basic smoothie and add other fruits, its great with a little mango or pineapple.
Source of recipe: I eat two smoothies a day as meals, and as an athlete I needed to find a way to get some protein and greens in my diet so I created this amazing green smoothie. It's a great way to add greens into your diet and get protein.