1 medium size avocado
1-2 slices vegan cheese (depends on how hungry you are)
2 pinches pepper (I like the one from the twist shaker but reg is fine)
2 pinches salt
1 carrot
vegan margarine or veg butter (everyone seems to like Earth Balance)
1 teaspoon lemon juice or cut a lemon into 1/4 and squeeze
1 dash white wine vinegar (optional)
4 slices vegan bread
First cut your avocado in half. Then, to "pit" it I use my knife, I whack the knife into the pit and turn it. Then with a spoon I scoop the inside into a bowl.
Next I squeeze the lemon into the avocado mix and add 1 pinch of salt (to taste) and one pinch of pepper (once again to your taste) I mix together with my spoon till its just a little bit pasty or till its smooth enough.
Then with a grater shred your one carrot. If you don't have one you can always use a peeler and just peel thin slices of carrots. Add a little bit, and I do stress little, like a drizzle, of the white wine vinegar to your carrots and toss with fingers, fork, or spoon.
Now the final bit because by now I'm always rushing to leave my house. . . Take your 4 slices of bread, and butter all 4 tops. Then, sprinkle your pinches of salt and pepper on them, and spread like a maniac however much avocado paste you want on each of the 4 slices. Then, put the cheese slice/s over them and finally put half of the shredded carrots and close your sandwich.
If your like me cut, wrap, and run or enjoy. :)