1 cup plain soy yoghurt
1 small apple (Galas work wonders)
1 carrot (washed, peel on, organic if possible)
1 teaspoon fruit juice (black cherry, cranberry, apple, whatever)
small handful raisins or other dried fruit (optional)
cinnamon (optional)
Plop the yoghurt into a small bowl and set aside.
Chop the apple up into tiny bite sized pieces, and do the same with the carrot. Put the carrot and the apple into a NON-STICK cooking pan and turn the heat on to medium. Let the carrot and apple warm, and move them around a bit to make sure they don't burn. After a minute of two on the heat, pour the juice down on top of the apple and carrot pieces to de-glaze them a bit and give some leeway to cook a little longer without burning.
Using a wooden spoon or other spoon-like device, still the carrots and apple around in the juice until it is completely absorbed and they have turned golden around the edges.
Pour the apple/carrot mixture down on top of the yoghurt, and sprinkle on the raisins and cinnamon