1 cup vital wheat gluten
3/4 cup broth
2 tablespoons soy sauce or Braggs Liquid Aminos
2 teaspoons seasoning of choice (I use vegan powdered chicken or beef bouillon, and nori for fish flavour)
6 cups broth for cooking (can add sliced onion and soy sauce for extra flavor)
1. Mix flour and spices.
2. In a measure cup, add soy sauce to the 3/4 cup broth.
3. Add liquid to dry. Stir till it comes together.( Add some of the broth 1 teaspoon at a time if you need to.)
4. Now put your large pot of broth on to boil. When that’s taken care of, knead your ball of rubbery stuff for 10-15 min. Let rest for 5, then knead a few times more. Now make sure the broth on the stove is just simmering. A full boil will ruin the seitan.
5. Cut pieces off the dough and do your best to stretch into thin patty-like cutlet shapes,...thinner is better.
6. Drop the cutlets into the broth and simmer away for an hour or two..then let the broth cool on its own.
7. You can keep the seitan in its broth in the fridge for about 5 days, or freeze it. This can also be wizzed in a blender to make a ground meat substance.