1 medium butternut squash (skinned, de-seeded and cut into one inch pieces)
1 medium brown onion - cut into larger pieces
2 small-medium carrots - cut into chunky pieces
1 celery stock - cut into small pieces
3 chunks of ginger cut into to semi small piece (can use the juice from the ginger instead to avoid ginger string in your soup)
4 cups of vegetable broth (32 ounces)
3-4 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon (approximately) allspice - adjust to taste
2 teaspoons nutmeg - adjust to taste
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon - adjust to taste
1 tablespoon granulated garlic (could use a few cloves of fresh garlic as a substitute)
salt and pepper to taste
I never measure when I add spices so please adjust to your own flavor palate.
Get a dutch oven pot or any big deep stock pot. Heat over medium flame. Once pot is warm add olive oil. Then add onions, carrots, celery, some salt, pepper and garlic powder. Stir occasionally until onions are translucent.
Then add butternut squash, allspice, nutmeg, cinnamon and a little more salt. Cook approximately 10 minutes.
Then add vegetable broth. Bring to a boil then reduce heat to low and let simmer until the squash is cooked throughly (you know it's finished when a knife easily cuts it).
I let my soup simmer like this for an hour so the flavors blended together well and some of the liquid evaporated making it a little more concentrated but it was done in about 25 minutes.
When it's down put in a blender or food processor until completely pureed.
Then serve.
*you can garnish with a little cut up apple.