1 cup uncooked brown rice (the real stuff, NOT quick rice!!!)
1/4 cup quinoa
1/4 cup flax seeds
3 plus cups vegetable stock
2 heads of garlic, crushed
1/4 cup chopped sweet white onion
1 can chopped tomatoes (no juice), or two fresh, chopped
1 tablespoon soy margarine
2 tablespoons chopped dried mushrooms (I use oyster)
1/2 cup lima beans (frozen is fine)
1 teaspoon dill (fresh is best)
1/3 cup marsala cooking wine
seasonings:(about 1/4 teaspoon each) pepper, orange zest or dried orange peel, cinnamon
and curry
1/4 cup dried cranberries
It looks like a pain, but is really very easy. Don't let that list of ingredients scare you away. If you don't have everything, substitute it with something you like of similar category or water content. THIS IS INCREDIBLE.
Saute flax, garlic and quinoa in soy margarine for 1-3 min. Add stock, lima beans, seasonings, onion, mushrooms, cooking wine and cranberries (everything else except rice). Bring to a slow boil.
Add rice. Cook one hour or until rice is tender, stirring every 5-10 minutes, but more frequently as cooking goes on. Add water as needed. Let cool for 5 minutes before serving.
Delicious with marinated and grilled tofu. ENJOY!