---Japanese vegan stock---
1' x 1/2' dried kombu seaweed (available at ethnic food store)
3-5 thinly sliced dried shiitake mushroom
1/3 cup water
---Miso soup---
3 + 1/2 cups water
3/4 cup shredded daikon root
(or 2 small potatoes, peeled and sliced (about 5mm thick, or 0.20 inches))
3-4 tablespoon miso (adjust depending on your taste)
Japanese Traditional
It's not necessary to prepare the stock first, but I show you anyway because it will make your life easier if you like cooking Japanese food. This stock cannot get easier and you can use for almost everything in terms of Japanese cuisine.
Recommended way:
1. Preparing the stock
Put the kombu seaweed, dried shiitake mushroom, and 1/3 cup water in one container. Cover the container and leave in the refrigerator overnight.
2. Making the mison soup.
Put the stock, water and vegetable of your choice into a pot and bring to boil and simmer.
Before the water gets to the boiling point, drop the miso into a soup dish and add some hot water from the pot. Dissolve the miso with the hot water and bring it back to the pot.
If you like saltier miso soup, add more miso.
-----------------------------------------Quick Version:
If you do not have a stock handy and want to make it in next 15-20 minutes, put the kombu, shiitake, your choice of vegetable into the pot with water (about 4 cups). Bring to boil and simmer. Dissolve the miso with the hot water from the pot. Add more miso if you like saltier soup.