1 box Mori Nu tofu, extra firm
enough pasta to fill an 8x8 pan (hand full)
8 ounces of your favorite marinara
1/2 block of vegan gourmet mozzarella
spices: parsley, basil, garlic
optional: cayenne
Cook the spaghetti halfway. You don't want it to be mushy once you bake it.
While that's cooking, drain the box of tofu and put it into a medium/small bowl. Squish with a fork into small pieces.
Add the parsley, basil and garlic (add more of the spices you like best). I mix in a lot of all three. Blend with your fork but don't squish the tofu into too tiny of pieces.
Then, grate your mozzarella. Use 1/3 to 1/2 of a block of vegan gourmet mozzarella. Put aside.
Drain pasta. Put the pasta into the pan. Add all of the tofu ricotta mix. Mix them together.
Now pour your pasta sauce on top of the pasta/ricotta mixture. Pour a little more sauce than you think, so it doesn't dry out.
Mix all three ingredients well. You can even put some of the extra ricotta on top, if you had any left over.
Once you've mixed the pasta, ricotta and sauce so that it's equally spaced in the pan, simply add the vegan gourmet mozzarella on top. Use as much as you like.
It's important to spray the top of the cheese with your Pam or other oil spray. This makes the cheese on top melt smoothly and have a golden color when it's done.
Bake on high, at least 400 degrees (even up to 500) until it bubbles. Don't be afraid to let it cook until it bubbles and starts turning brown.