1 cup strawberries
1 cup blueberries
2 tablespoons liquid sweetener
1 can coconut milk (do not shake)
1 cup oats
15 almonds
1 cup vegan graham wafer crumbs
1 tablespoon brown sugar
3 heaping spoonfuls of the margarine you use
For this recipe you will need two mixing bowls and spoons. For the crust, a food processor or blender or coffee grinder and, of course, a pie plate.
Into a medium bowl, cut up the strawberries, add blueberries. Spoon in the sweetener, mix and set aside.
In the food processor, grind oats to flour, put in a bowl. Grind almonds until in very, very small pieces. Add to oats. How much you grind these depends on your preference, personally, I like some crunchiness.
Add graham wafer crumbs and sugar, mix it all together. Put in the butterish stuff and cream until it is an even texture. Press evenly into a pie plate, bake at 350 for about 10 minutes, or until you can smell the goodness.
Back to the fruit, the juices will be melding together. Open the coconut milk: this is important: do not shake! Take the thick part off the top, the rest is just water and would make the mixture too runny. Mix the cream part in with the fruit. Put the filling into the crust and store in fridge until ready to serve.
Keeps quite well in the freezer. This is also good to just eat the filling! MMMMMmmmmmmm tasty... you could also use vegan whipped cream instead of coconut cream. Whatever suits your fancy, it's all good.