1.25 cup brown lentils
3 flavorful bay leaves
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon red chilli pepper
7 cups water
8-1 0 sprigs fresh cilantro (optional)
1/4 teaspoon Garam Masala (Indain spice, also optional)
dash cinnamon
Cook lentils with water and salt in large pot until very soft. (A pressure cooker can be used in this step to save a bunch of time. -- cook on low flame for about 40 min.)
Once lentils are soft, take one cup at a time of the mixture and place in blender. Blend for about 4 minutes or until smooth. Transfer to another large pan.
Add pepper, garam masala and bay leaves. Allow to simmer on low flame for 10-20 minutes. Remove bay leaves and add cillantro and cinnamon.
Enjoy! Serve with rice.
Let me know how it turns out! rsaini@tc.umn.edu [1]
[1] mailto:rsaini@tc.umn.edu