1 apple
1 pear
small can of mandarin oranges
small can of pineapple chunks
1 tablespoon Nayonnaise
small handful of grapes
2-3 cherries, fresh or canned
lil bit of turbinado sugar
whole wheat bread, sliced
Chop half the apple and 1/4 of the pear into small pieces. Slice grapes in half, and cut oranges and pineapple chunks into about 3 pieces each. Chop cherries. Mix ingredients together and add nayonnaise. Add vegan sugar to taste. Put howe'ver much of the mixture you want between two slices of bread.
You don't have to use the ratios I used, but use more apple or pear chunks than the rest.
You can also add torn apart veggie chicken strips to imitate a purchased fast food sandwich if you like. I think it tastes great with just the fruit.