1/4 cup basmati rice
1/2 cup water
1 bellpepper, chopped
1 red onion, chopped
1 jalapeno, chopped
1 small summer squash, sliced
1 small zuccini, sliced
1 roma tomato, chopped
a handful of pine nuts (depends on how much you like them)
small can of pineapple, drained
Cook the rice in the water until done. In the meantime, saute the bellpepper, onion, and jalapeno in your favorite oil until the onions are soft. Then add the squash and zuccini, and cook until they are soft. Put all this in a bowl with the rice, add the tomato, pine nuts, and pineapple, and stir it all up. Stuff into pitas and eat.
This recipe works pretty well because of the contrasting flavors of the jalapeno, pine nuts, and pineapple. You can add more or less rice depending on your preference. You can make this beforehand and either heat the filling or serve cold (would be good for a summer picnic).