3 medium tomatoes, washe'd and chopped into very small pieces
3 medium yellow onions, chopped into very small pieces
1 bunch cilantro (enough to fill a small plastic bag)
2 tablespoon Tabasco green pepper sauce
2 tablespoon lime juice
In a skillet, saute the chopped onions until the harsh onion taste is gone (to your own taste). Meanwhile, wash the cilantro very thorougly and chop up very finely.
Mix all the ingredients together in a medium-sized serving bowl, and refrigerate until cold.
Eat with tortilla chips, or spoon on top of rice and black beans (arroz y frijoles)
Hint: I use a food processor to do all the cutting.
Lots of people have tried this, and everyone keeps going back for more, unless they don't like hot & spicy food. Reduce the Tabasco green pepper sauce for a milder flavor.