1 lb. silken tofu
4tablespoon vanilla soy milk
3/4 cup sugar plus 2tablespoon sugar (reserved)
1 teaspoon cinnamon
2tablespoon cornstarch
dash Kosher salt or sea salt
1. Preheat oven to 375F.
2. Press tofu until a little, not a lot, of water leaches out.
3. Put tofu and all other ingredients (except reserved vegan sugar) into a blender and blend until a smooth, creamy texture has been created. The texture should be that of a thin pudding.
4. Pour into custard cups or a pie tin and bake in a water bath until the tofu mixture browns a little and a knife inserted in the middle comes out clean.
5. Remove mixture from water bath spread reserved vegan sugar on top and place under a hot broiler until the vegan sugar melts and browns.
6. Allow vegan sugar topping to harden.
7. Serve immediately or cool in the fridge. Fresh berries are a nice addition.