1. Cook squash by slicing it in half and baking for 1 hour at 400 F. Scoop out the squash meat into a bowl and let cool.
2. When cool, take your 4 cups of squash and put into a mixing bowl. This is what you'll use for the recipe. Add all the spices and mix evenly through your 4 cups of squash.
3. Sift flour into the bowl and mix until you have a sticky consistency. It should be about 90% squash with just enough flour to hold it together and make it crispy when fried.
4. Put canola oil into a large frying pan (the bottom should be almost coated in a thin layer) and turn the burner to medium heat
5. Shape the mixture into latkes about 3 inches in diameter and place into the hot oil. Fry for about 4 minutes on each side or until golden brown.