Warm summer temperatures mean cool, creamy treats are on the horizon and we’ve got just the thing to cleanse and cool your palate—ice cream!
While the origin of ice cream is up for debate depending on who you talk to, there are many historical records of people from all over the world enjoying some form of cold, icy treat. In Rome, ice was brought down from the mountains and topped with sweet fruit, while the Tang dynasty in ancient China enjoyed ice mixed with milk. The Greeks indulged in icy drinks combined with honey or wine, and the sugary concoctions just continued to evolve from there.
It is said that famous American historical figures such as George Washington and Thomas Jefferson served ice cream to their guests, and that the first American ice cream parlor opened in 1776.
Though the colorful history of the dessert may be uncertain, there’s one thing we know for sure: Dairy-free ice cream of every shade, flavor, and color are plentiful now-a-days! Our recipe indexes boast everything from raw ice cream recipes to simple ones that don’t require an ice cream maker; plus soy-based, nut-based, coconut-based ice creams, and so much more! Sufferers of food allergies need not worry. There’s a vegan ice cream for everyone (even the healthy folks who have sworn off the usually sugary dessert!)
Here are 5 scrumptious vegan ice cream recipes for you to enjoy on a hot summer day:
Machine-Free Raw Chocolate Ice cream [1]
Healthy Creamy Carob Ice Cream with Stevia [2]
Cinnamon-Coconut Ice Cream [3]
Butter Pecan Ice Cream [4]
Strawberry Soy Ice Cream [5]
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