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Sarah Palin Prank Call

This was posted in the elections thread..but maybe more people will see it here.


sorry, I actually saw that after, and tried to delete my post, but it wouldn't let me.  :(


sorry, I actually saw that after, and tried to delete my post, but it wouldn't let me.  :(

Meh. Oh well!


This was posted in the elections thread..but maybe more people will see it here.

you are the vegan police and the poll police all wrapped up in one!  ;D


so is this for real? i couldn't find it on snopes?!


Yes, it's for real. These guys are the master pranksters. They got the queen a few years ago....she was not amused  :-D


They also got Paul McCartney, Britney Spears, Nicolas Sarkozy and many others...


I kind of hate to say this, but... This made me like Sarah Palin a little (teeny-tiny) bit more. I still think she is vile for the most part, and I would certainly NEVER vote for her, but she came across as very nice--even after they told her she had been pranked! When I was listening, I kind of expected her to flip out at the end or say something rude, but she didn't. Even her assistant was polite!


I kind of hate to say this, but... This made me like Sarah Palin a little (teeny-tiny) bit more. I still think she is vile for the most part, and I would certainly NEVER vote for her, but she came across as very nice--even after they told her she had been pranked! When I was listening, I kind of expected her to flip out at the end or say something rude, but she didn't. Even her assistant was polite!

I kind of thought this, too...but I also think her assistant probably got in a LOAD of trouble for "letting that happen." She seemed quite terrified at the end. But, I didn't really get to the point of liking her any more (even a teeny-tiny) because of her idiotic responses..



Oh, I agree on the stupid responses. She sounded totally ridiculous, but was at least friendly & seemed really excited to be talking with him... As a leader, she'd be terrible, but as a person, she seemed more likable to me... :-\

I still don't like her, though.


Oh, I agree on the stupid responses. She sounded totally ridiculous, but was at least friendly & seemed really excited to be talking with him... As a leader, she'd be terrible, but as a person, she seemed more likable to me... :-\

I still don't like her, though.

Agreed.  :)

You still need to come visit me.


Hahahaha, I freaking love this! I just wanted to share what he says around 2:10 when he goes into a rapid French idiom-- "On pourrait tuer des bebe foques aussi" or "We could kill some baby seals too." Guh, I can't believe she fucking laughs when he says, "Take away their life, that is so fun!"

I don't love her any more having heard this. FTR.


Hahahaha, I freaking love this! I just wanted to share what he says around 2:10 when he goes into a rapid French idiom-- "On pourrait tuer des bebe foques aussi" or "We could kill some baby seals too." Guh, I can't believe she fucking laughs when he says, "Take away their life, that is so fun!"

I don't love her any more having heard this. FTR.

I forgot about that part! Ugh, gross. I also hated that... I take back what I said about her seeming more likable.

However... I NEVER used the word "love." FTR. ;)


I still need to check this out.  I remember hearing about it on the radio on the way to work the other day.


I don't love her any more having heard this. FTR.

You loved her before?


Hahahaha, I freaking love this! I just wanted to share what he says around 2:10 when he goes into a rapid French idiom-- "On pourrait tuer des bebe foques aussi" or "We could kill some baby seals too." Guh, I can't believe she fucking laughs when he says, "Take away their life, that is so fun!"

I don't love her any more having heard this. FTR.

I got emails with subjects like "Palin agrees to hunt baby seals," and though I don't like her, I don't think this is fair. (granted she's hunted plenty of other animals) The guy made the seal comment in French (I don't suppose she knows French... I'm semi-fluent at French at the seal part just sounded muffled and mumbly)... but even so, I can't believe the caller made it through just because he claimed to be Sarkozy. And his French accent was aaawwwful.


It was actually a Quebec accent, still french, but definitely not Sarkozy's accent, that is for sure.  :)


In listening to this for the first time from this message board, it appeard that she was so carried away with her own typical agenda, that she wasn't listening to one word they were English or French.  They also mentioned in French about a book written about her..."Lipstick on a Pig", to which she just laughed.  Also he mentioned the name of some Canadian comedian and called him the prime minister..and she laughed at that, too, still yammering on about her politics.  And btw, there is no prime minister of Quebec..they are called premiers.  This simpleton couldn't run an ice skating rink, let alone a country.  How she manages Alaska is beyond me....

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