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September 11

It's today. The whole thing seemed so unreal for so long. I don't remember what life was like before, Bush, War on Terror and all that. I was just reading about the attacks again and for the first time in a long time I actually felt something. I guess it was from seeing the hijackers' faces this time. I actually got a chill looking at them :(

So, what are all your feelings, memories, opionions or whatever on this day.

Wow thanks for the reminder. I didn't even realize that was today. Crazy how it was 7 years ago, seems like it was much more recent to me.


My husband is a firefighter and they do a bunch of cerimonial stuff all day in between calls. We have a bunch of american flags up in our front yard too.


I was going to college in Massachusetts at the time and I remember how stunned everyone was.  They cancelled classes for the whole day.  My husband is a native New Yorker and he still can't watch/listen to any of the footage.  One of his sisters was missing for hours, luckily she was ok, but he still thinks about the "what if" scenarios.  I can't believe it's been 7 years...


I was going to college in Massachusetts at the time and I remember how stunned everyone was.  They cancelled classes for the whole day.  My husband is a native New Yorker and he still can't watch/listen to any of the footage.  One of his sisters was missing for hours, luckily she was ok, but he still thinks about the "what if" scenarios.  I can't believe it's been 7 years...

I remember coming in from lunch with my sweetie at the local Chinese, flicking on the news and seeing it. I couldn't believe it was really happening, I thought for sure it was a movie ad and Brucie or Denzel or Arnie would be flying around in a helicopter somewhere. Then all my US friends started to call me in tears.

Every time I see the towers on a DVD movie it makes me feel funny.


I remember I was in 2nd hour in school when someone said " A plane crashed into the twin towers". I didn't know what the twin towers were and no one made a big deal so I thought it wasn't that bad. Then in the last hour of class, the teacher allowed us to watch TV and then I saw how bad it really was. I remember everyone being really shocked and hurrying to get gas because they were afraid it would jump after the attack.


In memory of those who lost their lives 9/11/01...

Please take the time to watch this video

and pass it along to everyone in your address book.

Peace and God Bless!


I don't have time to find it right now, but I posted it on the last page of the Presidential elections page.  Wait - here it is.

It is a video of Keith Olberman responding to the 9/11 tribute video they showed at the Republican convention.  You may not want to watch it, as it is upsetting, because it calls the Republicans out for using 9/11 as propaganda for a second election.

I also watched the video tribute they showed which is on the RNC website.  Before you say you disagree with Mr. Oberman, you should really watch it.  But it is disturbing.


I was in middle school. 6th grade science. They censored us. Completely. The teachers were pale and scared-looking. They kept whispering to each other. A boy named Pete came in after a dentist appointment and my teacher pulled him aside to aske him he new what was happening in New York. He said yes and she made him promise not to say a word to other students. That's when I knew that something had gone terribly, terribly wrong. Especially when we weren't allowed to work on the computers for the whole day. Then I went home that day and my dad was home early. He started talking to me about what had happened, but I still didn'tknow, so he turned on the TV. I was shocked.

6th grade was the year I stopped trusting the school system.


I love that crazy Keith Olbermann, he says whatever the fuck he wants!


I love that crazy Keith Olbermann, he says whatever the fuck he wants!

i adore the man, but really, honestly i'm surprised he's still alive.


I love that crazy Keith Olbermann, he says whatever the fuck he wants!

i adore the man, but really, honestly i'm surprised he's still alive.

haha! I just posted similar sentiments in the "2008 Presidential Elections" thread:

"...I'm also glad that he hasn't (yet) been killed or silenced for his bold stance against the Bush administration and all the subsequent bullshit."

I'm kinda surprised too, but very, very glad he's made it this far.


Oh, and on another note.......My feelings about this day have pretty well matched Mr. Olbermann's anger/cynicism about the horrible way many Republicans and others have defaced it, exploited it, and used it as a political tool/catchphrase. Seriously, for the last couple of years, my frustration with this matter has overshadowed any feelings of sadness about the lives lost and the families I just feel angry for them for being incidental pawns in this stupid game.

What's kinda funny: I was only reminded of the date when I saw this thread show up yesterday.....But, the night before, I'd had this VERY vivid dream that I was back on my HS football field on a crisp, early Autumn morning, getting ready for marching band felt like I was my present self revisiting, as if perhaps I'd returned as a drumline instructor, OR I was secretly traveling back in time or something....

Anyway, what's weird is that A) I haven' dreamt of HS marching band for a long time, and my dreams are rarely so realistic (they're usually so wacky that I know it's a dream)
and especially, B) that's what memory I associate with September 11....Band practice started around 7:00ish a.m. and ran through first period. We were on the field when the news started reporting the incident. We ran late (as usual), and I remember coming into second period class with one of my bandmates, totally confused as to why the class was nervously watching TV.
For the rest of the day, almost all the teachers kept the TV news running while students went to each class (pretty much for attendance only that day) to watch the footage and discuss the unraveling events.

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