added this 19 years ago
Healthnut Smoothie!
What you need:
Pick from the following (about a cup combined, depending on how much you want): banana, papaya, pineapple, strawberries, blackberries
Pick from the following (about a cup total): orange juice, apple juice, soy/rice milk, water (if you want to be boring)
1 scoop protein powder, flavor of choice (i like chocolate)
3 tablespoon Wheat Germ
1 tablespoon Flax Seed Oil
1/4 cup instant oatmeal
any sweetner if you want, to taste
What you do:
Put the fruit in a blender first so it doesn't spash, then add the rest howe'ver you like. Put the blender on one of the highest settings, and you might need to shake it a little to get it smooth (but make sure it stays inside!). Tweak anything, have as much as you like, or save it for later in the refrigerator. ENJOY!
Preparation Time:
about 10 min
Cooking Time:
Recipe Category:
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