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Nestlé people boycott them in the US?

Sorry I am not really sure which forum this topic should go in....

I was just reading the Cheerios thread and it seems like they are a very popular product in the US and a couple of vegwebbers mentioned that they had tried them.  I understand that they are made by Nestlé.
I have boycotted Nestlé products for alsmost as long as I can remember, well since I was 9 or 10 maybe, because of the baby milk fiasco (see here for more info:
The Nestlé boycott is reasonably well known in the UK and I was wondering if people in the US (and other countries) boycott Nestlé products too.

Any info from anyone please?

I can't say that I've ever boycotted Nestle or heard of people doing it over here.  Then again I also don't hang out in the baby aisle of the grocery store to hear people talking about which brand is better/healthier.  As far as their other products...I guess I just haven't paid attention.


Yes, I try to boycott Nestle. Its hard because they seem to own a lot...luckily being vegan and making almost everything at home makes it much easier to avoid their crap.

I hate them because of their formula marketing practices in third world countries.


There was a big furore about the Nestle boycott in the US in the 1970's. It was one of those things I just grew up with, like helping my older (much) siblings paint signs for rallies and demonstrations. (Hey, how ELSE do college students spend the weekends?)

Unfortunately these days in continental Europe at least, Nestle is the real owner of so very many small brands, that it's hard to avoid them. I do my best, but I'm always getting that zap of "oh no, it's Nestle!"

I will never forgive them for absorbing and then eliminating Suchard, a Spanish brand of chocolate and candy that was delicious and high quality until they took it over.


I'll have to ask my sister if the hospital she works for boycotts them.  She's a nurse and has worked in labor and delivery for years.  She might know more.


I'm told that Nestle owns over 20,000 brands...and getting more everyday.  So they can be hard to keep track of.  The boycott started in 1977 and is still going on but I am pretty sure the organizers of the boycott just don't have the money that Nestle has to advertise.

I try to stick to organic and fairtrade, in hopes of avoiding them but it seems that Nestle has a few fairtrade items too. 


I try to stick to organic and fairtrade, in hopes of avoiding them but it seems that Nestle has a few fairtrade items too. 

"Nestle Fairtrade!" Now THAT's an oxymoron!


I've had a vagueish abhorrence toward Nestle for a long time, which was reinforced when I read about the baby formula thing. I'm not that well-informed about the company and its practises, but I tend to assume they're mostly cheap... and cheap for them costs someone else in the end. Phrases like 'child labour' spring to mind, but I don't know if I'm talkin' out of a hole in my head... maybe I should do a little reading. ???

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