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Global Warming...

So, I went to this site...  and there's a video on global warming and I was just wondering if anyone had some opinions or information.
Like if you believe its as big of a deal as everyone makes it.. or if there's some truth behind the whole idea of getting a profit out of it.
Don't get me wrong, I hate the pollution whether or not it effects warming... I love bikes and nature and such...
just wanted opinions and information.

I'm watching it right now. I've seen Zeitgeist and a few other vids on there, which I find to be a large amount of conspiracy theorist propoganda... but there is truth in it as well, in my opinion.


Whew... incredibley interesting!
Personally, I am a bit of skeptic. Not that I am disregarding global warming/climate change, but that we do not have a complete understanding of it, the climate system, or the Earth in general. This also does not mean that I am not supportive of green views, eco-conciousness, and environmentalism (actually I am quite the opposite of non-supportive). Even if global warming does not "exist" or if it is not man-made, this does not give us an excuse to hault our progress toward treating the environment with much more respect and care. If there is no effect on climate there will surely be traumatic consequences such as the availability of food and water, health concerns, etc.

As far as the video...
I feel it is summed up by what I just said. The science is in its infancy. Computer programs that model climate change are based on incomplete science, thusly basing a model on incomplete/biased data. Also, they mention that the Earth has its own avenues at countering catostraphic changes and has a "balance." Such as in the part of precipitation being taken from one region to another, as well as that it would be impossible for the arctic melt even if there were a climate change because it is SO cold there to begin with. Also this climate increase would raise humidity in the air (precipitation?) move that moisture to the poles where it would freeze and expand the ice caps...

Incredibley interesting video, but does not by any means discredit climate change or give us any reason to reverse or stop our progress towards a cleaner Earth.

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