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Fruit Contains All Required Protein

http://www. 13. waisays. com/protein. htm

"In Short :

Even consuming (the right-) fruits only, you will absorb all protein you need. Consuming a little fresh raw animal food every once and a while too, abundantly supplies you with protein. These foods combined also contain all other nutrients you need.

Consuming too much protein can cause depressions, sleeplessness (see site13) and vitamin D deficiency, and lack of vitamin B2, B6 and folic acid for these are required to process protein.

Consuming prepared proteinacous food causes many different diseases, like Parkinson's, dementia, cancer ,obesity etc.

(see index and diet suggestions)

It's best to combine fruits with some (fresh raw-) foods containing high-quality protein. In relation to human requirements, protein quality of Brazil nuts in particular, and raw fish in general is best. Protein quality of beans, bread rolls, soy, pasta and dairy products is worst.

In Detail :

Amino Acids

The proteins you consume are composed of amino acids. But if these proteins lack 1 of the essential amino acids, you can't use them for construction purposes. So we don't need protein, but amino acids.

Like 10+ days mother's milk, fruit as an average contains only 1% protein. And just as babies obtain all required protein from human milk, adults can obtain all required protein from fruits.

Even consuming the right mixed fruits only, you will absorb almost twice as much of all the amino acids as you minimally need°. Simply because you need to consume lots of fruit to obtain sufficient calories.

Consuming the right fruits, you will absorb too little energy from it before you will absorb too little protein. Absorbing sufficient energy from fruits comes with absorbing sufficient protein.


Please read link for in depth discussion and charts! We all love charts!
Material sourced from http://www. 13. waisays. com/protein. htm
Artists Cooperative Groove Union U.A.

I've tried to tell people this, because I'm leaning toward being fruitarian.  I probably won't make it 100%, but as a fruitarian you can eat fruit, a lot of the veggies, beans, grains - almost everything I already eat, only I wouldn't flavor things with onion and garlic.


I remember a bout a year ago coming across the idea of frutarians, but it was too different for me to consider it. Now you have me looking into it again. I came across this website you might like


That's intreresting! I never knew you could get protein from fruit! I love fruit, but the part about raw fish made me want to gag...eeeewwww!


I'm very interested in this concept. Is anyone here a fruitarian or perhaps tried it for a few weeks?


are you leaning toward becoming a buddhist?

Nah.  A friend is Buddhist and he thinks I'm a good fit with Buddhism.  I don't think that I'd be a good fit, though.  In his group, you have to have a conservative haircut.  He tends to go a bit hippie and has to "clean up" to be considered presentable.  I'm too unkempt to be Buddhist.


Good stuff!  I could totally live on fruit, and I eat a ton of it, so I'm happy with this!


Huh. This is interesting. I love fruit. Pineapples especially.

Did anyone else look at the www.fruitarian website? I liked the breakdown where it tells you all the great stuff in different fruits!

But the testemonials and claims to cure diseases are a little wacked. One story claims a fruitarian diet "cured" AIDS and another claims it cured the cancer of a lady born in 1876!


wow, I know very little about fruitarian diets so this was interesting to me. But, I have to say it bothers me when people say things are poor sources of protein due to the fact that they lack one essential amino acid. You don't need to eat them all at once, but within a day or two (like the beans + rice thing) will get you what you need no problem (even with the 'limiting amino acid' theory..yeah, I'm a science nerd but I'm sure other people here know about that). I understand things like dairy not being bioavailable due to other things they contain, but the AA thing isn't really a problem. still, good to know that fruit is so awesome (it sure tastes like it)


I remember reading about fruitytarians with bad teeth... too much sugar was the culprit I beleive... I remember reading about breathatarians in Nature's First Law. They apparently subsist mostly on air.. I wonder where they get their protein... :P


breatharian?  Ah ha.  Somehow that is hard to believe.  If someone could live off of breathing alone, then nobody would ever starve to death! 

I can't get those websites that you guys posted!  I am curious to read about it.  I think a fruitarian diet is a bit too far for me, but I am curious none the less.  I like my soy too much. 


I was reading a website.  Interesting.  I think there is some truth to this.  In my neurology class my teacher told us that humans evolved as "fruit eating apes".  That explains a lot about us, the shape of our teeth, front ways eyes, color vision, grasping hands, intestens designed to digest vegetable matter, etc.  It was all in my neurology book!

I think it would be cool to try a fruitarian diet for a week, as long as I can eat nuts too, I can't not eat nuts, raw cashews, and raw almonds are among my must haves!  But I am not so sure that is such a great idea with me being pregnant and all.  But I have been known to eat watermelon for dinner and nothing else.  I eat tons of fruit anyway! 

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