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Are You Kidding Me??? (Pointless Stats)

I actually saw this on a legitimate news site, thought it seems Onion-worthy:

I'm glad that our trustworthy media is right there on the spot to let us know important statistics such as this. Otherwise I'd be lost during this whole election.

P.S. This dog-owner is voting for Obama. ;)b

Well we must remember that 78.2% of all statistics are made up on the spot.

Dubya's got a dog named Miz Beasley? Well, we all know what HIS favourite TV show was, now...bleah.


"I think a person who owns a pet is a more compassionate person — caring, giving, trustworthy. I like pet owners," said Janet Taylor of Plymouth, Mass.

Owning a pet doesn't necessarily make someone "caring, giving or trustworthy", as is evidenced by the number of abused pets rescued annually. 

I've had pets all my life and I'm not voting for McCain or Obama!


Really, isn't the true compassion being shown by Obama? You know that McCain isn't home to care for his pets physically or emotionally, and there's NO WAY he can take all of those pets with him.


And as we all know McCain is a hunter...bleah. Not so compassionate if you give him a rifle.

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