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Animal Activists of VegWeb

Hey guys,
    I just wanted to meet some people who are against animal cruelty.  I volunteer at the local animal shelter and I'm technically a member of peta but I've never done anything for it.  I've heard some people are against peta because they're too extreme so I was wondering what groups you're a part of and what kind of experiences you've had.  Or ways you'd like to make a difference.

I’m a big time animal activist! That is my entire reason for being vegetarian and trying to transition to vegan. The health benefits are nice to, but really for me its 100% animal rights reasons.
I’ve volunteered for a few animal rescues in my area, I’m not right now but I’d like to get back into it. My problem is I get so emotionally involved with the animals I work with it can be pretty taxing on me to volunteer, but I love it and want to support it. I’ve bought only cruelty free for about 10 years now… Personally I love PETA! Yes they are a tad extreme at time but PETA brought animal rights to mainstream media. In my opinion, peta is responsible for making the general public very aware of animal cruelty and without peta I don’t think we’d have a lot of the legislation in place currently to punish animal cruelty offenders.
Oh, and I have 6 rescue animals, 4 cats and 2 dogs  :)>>>

ps- i love that you started this thread  ;)b i could talk animal rights all day and all night!


Sometimes, to make an impact, you have to go to extremes. (Guess from which movies!)

I'm not an animal rights activist, I mean, I haven't done anything to call myself an activist, yet. I want to participate more though. I'm not a PETA member, but I have donated to this association in the past, and I'm on Ingrid Newkirk's mailing list. That's a start.


There was hog mud wrestling in my town and I wanted to go 1) to make fun of the rednecks 2) to see if there was an animal abuse case I could report to peta or whoever.  No one wanted to go though  :(


i also love PETA.
Each animal rights & protect group works in different ways, PETA is just louder than others. and i like that about them.
I do as much as i can to be an animal advocate. I've joined just about all the groups i could find, and make donations whenever i can.
The Humane Society of the United States occasionally holds meetings/seminars and fund raisers in my city - so i try to attend those whenever possible.
HSUS has very frequent Take Action email alerts - which are a great and easy way to reach your legislators about animal issues.
i do as much as i can - but sometimes i just want to quit my job and work full time for a good organization to help animals...maybe one day.


Sometimes, to make an impact, you have to go to extremes. (Guess from which movies!)

I'm not an animal rights activist, I mean, I haven't done anything to call myself an activist, yet. I want to participate more though. I'm not a PETA member, but I have donated to this association in the past, and I'm on Ingrid Newkirk's mailing list. That's a start.

It's exactly the same thing for me too.  I havent donated to PETA though, but i'm also on the mailing list.  I'm also on the World Wildlife Fund mailing list and am planning to donate money in friends and family members names for Christmas.  I'm just in the transition to become vegetarian.  I mean, I just became one, but I still have some occasional "slip-ups" I guess you can call them.  I saw some videos on and that's what made me decide to do this once and for all. 

A few months ago, about 5 miles from where I live, they found a farm that was starving their horses to death.  The had like 50 but I think there was about 17 of them that were dead on the property.  So they sent the remaining horses to the local "livestock exchange" (i live in a farming comunity).  On the news they showed some farmers who went to buy some of them, so they could rescue them and nurse them back to health and then keep them as a family pet, because it made them so sad to see this.  Good thing there are still some good people out there to do the right thing and help where they can.


Apparrently there's a lot of infighting among AR activists about "being too extreme" or "not being extreme" enough.  Rory Freedman (the Skinny Bitch) say it best in that everyone has something to bring to the AR table and there is no right or wrong way as long as the focus is on helping animals.  Billions of animals suffer and we're bickering about someones techniques??

Each and everyone of us makes a it extreme or passive, it doesn't matter.

Off of soapbox now.  :)

That all said, I've got my hands in too many pots to give much more time to AR.  I do think by eating vegan, not wearing leather, not using products tested on animals, etc. that I'm helping.


I guess I qualify.  I'm not a member of any groups anymore but (nearly) all my energy is devoted to helping dogs. 

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