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Vegwebbers in L.A., NY, SanFran, Seattle, Portland...or other big cities?

Hi lovely vegwebbers! :)

I'm trying lots of new ideas to get the word out about the 2nd edition of my book and one of the things I'd like to do is find a person in each of these large, veggie lovin cities who would be willing to show my book to a few health food stores or cool book stores (stores that you would hopefully already be going into so that it wouldn't inconvenience you too much!!)...

In exchange, you would have my ever-lovin appreciation as well as a signed copy of the 2nd edition for you to keep!

If you are willing to do this for at least 2 stores (preferably 3 or more if at all possible and not too inconvenient), please give me your shipping address and I will send you a copy of the book. From there, you would just need to show the buyer at the store the layout of the book. It's really easy and kind of fun! The only time I haven't enjoyed this is when I come across a crabby retailer, but that only happened once and she wasn't a big fan of vegetarianism. But mostly, people are so nice if given the chance.

Anyway, thanks in advance for your time and help! I've been having so many people tell me that this book is converting them to veganism and I want to continue to spread that possibility, as it is such a win-win all around.

Thanks again!! :)>>>

To peek inside the book:

I don't live in a really big city (Tucson, AZ) but we do have almost 1 million people and there's a definite market for the book.  One bookstore in particular, Antigones, is in the heart of the downtown district, caters to an "alternative" audience and would probably love to carry your book.  Then I can tell everyone I know to go buy it from Antigones!


ME ME!! I'm in Portland, and could probably travel down to Eugene as well....(Big college town w/ diverse 'alternative' cultures)


I am currently 'unemployed' and live just out of Manhattan.
I'd be happy to help.


oh man.  too bad this didn't happen a month ago.  i'm moving away from seattle in two weeks.  maybe sirdidy will fill in for the seattle location?


I can help out for the Boston area. I know some great stores around here that would carry your book. I also know a lot of vegans here. Like, dozens.


THANKS SO MUCH EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:)>>> :)>>> :)>>>

P.S. I realized after I wrote this post that it really doesn't matter if you live in a big city--all that matters is that there is a good market for a holistic health book w/lots of great vegan recipes...and that you like this idea!!! :)

I'll keep checking this and do a final update in a week or so, giving the info needed and getting everyone's mailing addresses.
Thanks again, I so appreciate it!! ;)b

P.S. I realized after reading moonkeymama's post that my definition of "big city" is me a big city is anything over 50K people!! I live in a small mountain town with only like 10K max!! But I've still got it in over 5 stores here, so I have hope for bigger areas! :)

P.P.S. I just started a new thread so that people know they don't have to be in the cities I mentioned!

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