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Vegweb Confessions

This thread is dedicated to brutal honesty and things you would probably only discuss with a shrink or a close friend/family member. Please note that this is not a pity thread, just a venting thread. The point is to learn more about each other and possibly connect on new levels as a community

- I have a really awful relationship with my father. We just don't talk... I never call him and vice versa. The only conversations we ever have are about music, becuase the love of music is the only things we have in common.
- I have a hard time letting people get close to me. Whenever I get too close to someone, I subconsciously push them away. This has ruined the two relationships I've been in, and countless close friendships. I think this stems from my shoddy relationship with my father.
- I have an addictive personality. I've had some major run-ins with drugs in my lifetime. Thankfully, I don't partake in them anymore but sometimes I fear that my drinking will become a serious issue later in life.

rainbow thanks for the advice. :)
I think you would make an awesome nutritionist.  That way you can help people like meee.
Thanx I will definately keep your advice.
yes. 4 months ago my diet was a disaster.

I think that would be a good choice for you, based on the post that I read. You gave great advise and it seems to be a topic that interests you and that you are passionate about!!  :)

thank you both.  the best part will be when people challenge my veganism, i'll have a degree to further prove that i know what i'm talking about.  has anybody read "skinny bitch"?  you should.  it explains EVERYTHING in such an easy to understand way and it is the only source where i've been able to find everything all in one place.  i knew most of it, but some of it shocked me.  like that they send rancid foods that are deemed "unfit for consumption" to baby food companies (especially meats).  yuck.

Also Id like to point out the 'celtic sea salt' has countless trace minerals and a make up that ease depression, anxiety and anger disorders. I have been supplementing for two months now and have noticed a positive change in my mood. I am still spend a lot of time home alone and have had to take days off from work for depression downs but over all better.

thank you for that!  i knew it had trace minerals, but i don't know what kinds.  i didn't know it could boost your mood.


I'm a very jealous person.  I can't stand being around other girls who are much prettier than me.  I get so upset, feel really ugly, and just want to put a bag over my head!  I also have social anxiety and can't stand being around large groups of people.  I don't like people either. I get so mad at the human race for it's ignorance towards animals and for the world itself that I have a hard time feeling compassion for people. I get angry at people if they upset me in the least bit and start to think about getting all Rambo on their butts (if ya know what i mean)! I get road name it.  I just hate people! I've been to therapists and they all tell's just anxiety.  But nobody has any answers as to how i'm supposed to deal with it or how to change my mind set and thoughts!  I refuse to take meds. 


I'm a very jealous person.  I can't stand being around other girls who are much prettier than me.  I get so upset, feel really ugly, and just want to put a bag over my head!  I also have social anxiety and can't stand being around large groups of people.  I don't like people either. I get so mad at the human race for it's ignorance towards animals and for the world itself that I have a hard time feeling compassion for people. I get angry at people if they upset me in the least bit and start to think about getting all Rambo on their butts (if ya know what i mean)! I get road name it.  I just hate people! I've been to therapists and they all tell's just anxiety.  But nobody has any answers as to how i'm supposed to deal with it or how to change my mind set and thoughts!  I refuse to take meds.  

I applaud you in your decision not to take medications. I mean that in the sense that medications are often times the first things that people "run" to for a quick fix.  That having been said - i believe medications can most definitely have their place - and i think each person would it owe to themselves to examine their situation and make that determination if medication is the right course of action for them.  So, when I applaud your decision not to take medications - i don't mean i applaud a generic stance of completely swearing off medication - but rather i applaud a mindset where at least someone isn't looking to run to medications as a "be all, end all" fix.  But again, that having been said - for some people, taking medication *is* the right thing for them - so i think it boils down to individual choices. Some medications can take people to a better place where they're then better able to work on "their issues" and then get off the meds, and for some people - their biology dictates they remain on the meds at all times - in the end, there's no right or wrong, just personal preference.

My next comment may sound hokey - depending on your beliefs - and i haven't checked out your profile yet to know what your beliefs are, so please forgive if i intrude upon any personal belief system with my following comments.  That having been said, i feel the meditation can do wonders.  It helps to control the mind and control the thoughts.

I believe that life sort of goes like this ... we have inner desires.  Those desires can either can from our lower animal/human self or stem from our higher spiritual/soul self.  Those desires in turn, fuel the thoughts that come into our minds.  It's from those thoughts that we end up creating our reality.  As such, continues thoughts along the same lines can ultimately result in actions.  So, the most important step is looking inside yourself and determining what and who you want to be today, tomorrow, next week, etc. Next, be patient.  The universe doesn't necessarily move on the scale we, in this fast paced society - might expect/hope it would (although at times, it certainly can).  In due time, through the desires that you have put forth into the universe - you will attract energies akin of that which you are desiring to aspire to.  As those energies continue to manifest (over days, weeks, months, years, etc..) - you will notice a shift in your thought patterns.  As new thoughts come into your mind - over time, they will gain more and more strength and being to overpower thoughts that are no longer reflective of your desires.  With those new thoughts, you will be provided with the opportunity to engage in new actions that the universe will constantly provide for you - for practice (sometimes, seemingly - overbearingly so, hehehe).  These new actions will redefine "you" and the cycle will continue.

Meditation is the key.  Meditate on who/what you want to become and work on.  Don't put limits on yourself on what meditation "should be" - research and find a meditation technique that seems to resonate with you. As you grow, you can always change and modify your technique according to your needs/wants/comfort of the moment.

Most important, when engaged in meditation (i say "engaged in" because i don't believe you necessarily have to be sitting in a lotus position to be in meditation, you can be active in the middle of many things - but still engaged in meditation - again, varies per person) - have no expectations.  For me personally, this is the single most important aspect of meditation - no expectations.  Just let whatever comes, come - and make the best of it.  

For me, i find meditation to be most powerful when giving the meditative energy to a personal deity - otherwise the aspects of meditation are lost on me - but your mileage may vary :).

I think the dangerous aspect of medication is that at the end of the day - do "we" really understand the chemical reactions that occur inside our head.  But again, for some people - the medication may be an integral part of their being that they need to first get them to a place where they can even consider other options.


THANKS  sirdidymus37 for the advice.  I was actually dabbling in a "buddhism for beginners" book and the next chapter was on meditation...wierd huh?!  After reading through some the the book i don't think that buddhism is for me.  The 'love people' part just isn't my thing.  But i definately think meditation may help w/ anger issues and a new outlook on the world..etc.  We'll see how it goes  :)


anybody else look at those posts and kinda think, "what the hell?"

am i missing out on some inside jokes?


don't think it's any inside jokes... I saw on another thread that we may have a troll...


yes and no....db is vaguely referencing (sore?)topics/discussions that occurred either pre or during the great VW civil war of '07-'08....needless to say there were several casualties; it seems, however, that a few have joined the ranks of the 'undead' and as such are only showing their lowest qualities instead of showing their worth/being a useful, productive member of the community.


yes and no....db is vaguely referencing (sore?)topics/discussions that occurred either pre or during the great VW civil war of '07-'08....needless to say there were several casualties; it seems, however, that a few have joined the ranks of the 'undead' and as such are only showing their lowest qualities instead of showing their worth/being a useful, productive member of the community.

you weren't even around don't know what happened


why would bp's dildo collection be a secret? she wouldn't be ashamed! which is why we love her. :)>>>


why would bp's dildo collection be a secret? she wouldn't be ashamed! which is why we love her. :)>>>

for real!!!


yes and no....db is vaguely referencing (sore?)topics/discussions that occurred either pre or during the great VW civil war of '07-'08....needless to say there were several casualties; it seems, however, that a few have joined the ranks of the 'undead' and as such are only showing their lowest qualities instead of showing their worth/being a useful, productive member of the community.

you weren't even around don't know what happened

Did bp, hh, and everyone else that you are insulting tie you up and then sexually assault and murder your parents?


THANKS  sirdidymus37 for the advice.  I was actually dabbling in a "buddhism for beginners" book and the next chapter was on meditation...wierd huh?! 

Not in my opinion.  I’m a big believer in synchronicity and things happening as they should (whatever that means).  So the way I would view the recent events – is the universe is unfolding itself to you – all you have to do is turn the page (figuratively and literally, heheheh).

After reading through some the the book i don't think that buddhism is for me.  The 'love people' part just isn't my thing.  But i definately think meditation may help w/ anger issues and a new outlook on the world..etc.  We'll see how it goes  :)

What’s the old adage about “you have to learn to love yourself before you can love others” and please forgive – because I’m not trying to infer that you do, or don’t, love yourself.  Your profile says that you love animals – so it’s obvious you have love in you. 

Part of the process of loving animals is loving not just the animals that are close to us (i.e. our own cats/dogs, whatever…) but in being able to see our own pets in the eyes of other animals.  For example, an average person might see a stray animal on the street and think nothing of it – but at the same time, be traumatized if their “Mittens” or “Fluffy” was to miss a meal.  The next person to come along and see that stray, might see their own animal in that stray and think how that animal shouldn’t have to suffer any more then their own animal – and perhaps would be more likely to help the stray then would the owner of “Mittens” – hehehe.

So, in regards to humans – I think it comes down to something very similar.  What might help is thinking of people in your life that you do love or feel close to.  When you look at other people, who are effectively strangers to you – instead of thinking of all the ways they piss you of (for in reality, no one has the power to piss you off – that’s giving any one person *way* too much credit – you and only you have the power whether to engage in being pissed off or not…) … instead, think of ways in which they might be similar to those around you that you love.  Think of their common struggles, find work in a hard economy, caring for children, finding happiness, etc.  Gradually, over time – your brain begins to shift (again, over days, weeks, months, years, etc..).  Less and less will you view people as separate entitities worthy of your ire (thus you expending valuable and precious energies you could be focusing/projecting elsewhere) and more and more will you see the commonality that runs through people, and you’ll start to appreciate people more and more for the similarities then having disdain for their differences.  As with animals, you would start to feel compassion for people and their issues – much the same as you would for that stray – in seeing your animal in that stray.

Anyhow, hope that helps some, if not – feel free to ignore – as everyone needs to find different strategies and outlooks that speak close to them.  This is the strategy that works best for me, and I’m still *very much* a work in progress, hehehe, but thought I’d share because I can empathize with some of the points that you brought up in your original post.


ha! seriously. i wish i had a dildo collection. those things are $$$.

And I always thought it was cool that you're more manual.


i have a secret dildo collection.

oops.  not so secret anymore.


what happened with the "vw civil war"???  i've heard people referencing it before but i have no idea what they are talking about.


Ha.  Yeah, after the sex toy thread I don't think anyone's collection is all that secret.


ooooh, i never saw that thread!

i don't understand how having a dildo
collection is supposed to be an insult?
i, personally, find it to be an asset.  ;)





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