Other Forums?
Posted by moonkeymama on Aug 03, 2009 · Member since Mar 2009 · 245 posts
I'm just wondering if anyone else frequents other forums (veg or not) and what and where they are. I'd really like to find more like-minded people interested in making positive changes for our planet, our health, our community, etc. Any good places to start?
The only other forum I look at is PostPunkKitchen.
same. i use ppk (theppk.com) and gone raw forums sometimes (goneraw.com)
i mostly use vegweb, though.
ppk, ocaasionally veggieboards, and crafters
bayraves (brproductions.net) - local bay area rave elite.
ravelinks sf (ravelinks.com) - rave forum for n00bz
vlv (board.vivalavinyl.org) - diy punk/hardcore board.
winepress (winepress.us) - home winemaker forum.
brewtalk - beer and winemaking forum
thanks for responding, guys. lots of good ideas I'm checking out. I appreciate it.