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How many have transitioned all the way? Share your story!

I would say that my family is basically 'dietary vegan' but not 'full vegan' because of belongings such as some clothing (some sweaters, shoes, bags,  belts,  etc), seats in car, leather furniture, etc.... A while back, when I first transitioned from veg to vegan I sold a couple leather/suede jackets that I had owned prior to veg*n  because there was no way I would feel ok wearing them and I just didn't want to own them anymore... Ideally I would like to be full vegan, but it would mean overhauling a lot of things (changing cars, replacing clothes, etc) and that would be difficult and costly and I guess that's not realistic for my family right now. I'm wondering how easy or fast it was to transition all the way; the journey to full veganism. Am I just thinking it's this 'big thing' when it's not? There are certain things that I think would be tough (replacing dh's belts, shoes, etc..... I don't think he would be cool with that). I think I just need to find peace (instead of guilt) with being dietary vegan....  Does anyone else struggle with this issue? I would love to one day be completely vegan and have the peace of mind of knowing that I live a completely cruelty-free lifestyle....  :) Please share your story/journey because this is always on my mind, and I am so inspired to break free of these belongings and to be able to call myself 'vegan' for real!

My veganism is really only about the food for me. I have never given the other much thought. Of course, the reason I am a vegan is for health reasons and not because I feel bad about the animals. Don't get me wrong, I love my animals and I do understand where the rest of you are comming from with this. I am just saying that i got to vegatarianism by way of a different avenue than most of you.



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