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diesel fumes

yesterday as i was walking around san antonio, huffing and puffing, as i was breathing in, a diesel truck drove right by me shooting out tons of fumes from the tailpipe and i breathed in a bunch of fumes including some little white particles.  ever since then i've had an awful cough, really sore muscles and a headache.  i've been trying to find ways to get the toxins out of my body, but all of the articles i find are about ways to not breathe in fumes.  but what if you already did, and what if it was just one big one.  i'm rarely around trucks or diesel cars anyways.  any suggestions?

Oh thats not good to read.
Perhaps a natural toxin cleanse?
The diesel studies are in, not reading good.
To off set your experience I have been biking to work


ah thanks!  thats more what i was looking for.  i think i'll probably wait and see if it clears up in a couple days before i drop 20 something dollars on a cleanse.


I agree w/ Kannas in the cleanse department....

I just wanted to say (NR) that whenever I read this topic, I giggled to myself---My dad had a dog named Diesel who farted A LOT, and we called the stench "Diesel Fumes". Okay....on with the original discussion!


hahaha thats really funny.

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