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The Moratorium Auditorium: In Which We Unite In Shunning Inadequacy

Crossover from the open letters thread!



Yes, KMK, I think jorts boy was being a douche and I called him on it.  What got me was the whole "i didn't feel the connection I was hoping for but was gonna give it one more try.."  Like he's a better person than I am b/c he was gonna "give me another chance."  BS.  Especially when he's the one who went in for the kiss the other night.  I'm sure that comment was just a protection mechanism.  I told him that if I had known he was going to give me shit, I would've just sent a text.  I mean, on his profile he said that he likes honesty and would rather someone tell him they aren't interested early on as opposed to just not returning calls or stringing him along.  So that's what I did, and then he got all heinous.  Now.  As far as the sleeping with him to "test the connection."  Yeah.  That didn't make sense to me either.  But he claims that girls have broken it off after sex because they were hoping they would feel differently afterward.  Hm.  I liked the napolean dynamite comparison...not completely on target, but not completely off-base either.  hehe.  Whatevs.  

P.S.  I'm loving the JBT.  I'm totally gonna steal that.  :)


Okay, I'm glad you see the douchebaggery too.  After I posted I was afraid it was harsh.  It wasn't.

But he claims that girls have broken it off after sex because they were hoping they would feel differently afterward.

That just means he's rubbish in bed.  And he wants to get laid.  He was "giving you a chance" for him to get some pussy loving for once.  Not happening bro.  Go stick your dick elsewhere.  Like your hand.


But he claims that girls have broken it off after sex because they were hoping they would feel differently afterward.  

haha!  that is the most ridiculous thing ive heard all day - and ive heard some stupid shit today!  sooooooooo....

1.  girls usually arent attracted to him but force themselves to sleep with him to confirm it.

2.  he's so terrible in bed, it confirms it.

3.  he's such an idiot, he tells people 1. & 2.


But he claims that girls have broken it off after sex because they were hoping they would feel differently afterward.  

haha!  that is the most ridiculous thing ive heard all day - and ive heard some stupid shit today!  sooooooooo....

1.  girls usually arent attracted to him but force themselves to sleep with him to confirm it.

2.  he's so terrible in bed, it confirms it.

3.  he's such an idiot, he tells people 1. & 2.



But he claims that girls have broken it off after sex because they were hoping they would feel differently afterward. 

haha!  that is the most ridiculous thing ive heard all day - and ive heard some stupid shit today!  sooooooooo....

1.  girls usually arent attracted to him but force themselves to sleep with him to confirm it.

2.  he's so terrible in bed, it confirms it.

3.  he's such an idiot, he tells people 1. & 2.


Yes.  Brilliant PPC. 

Oh btw...someone left this stack of cards in the bathroom at the healthfood store.  Of course, being the resident vegan, every employee that saw them brought them to me.  hehe.


ha - i think he may be a little too old & cheesy (sorry, cheezy) for you..


I think he sounds very interesting!


Who?  The trail runner?  His being a trail runner gives him extra points, so I hope he's less cheezy and more quirky.  I heart quirky.  I'd call him.


He's 45?  Ermmmmmm....


He's 45?  Ermmmmmm....

Ageist! (Anybody else watch Millionaire Matchmaker?!  :-[ )


No.  Ageist?

I'm 37, so 45 is on the outer cusp of my range (36-43-ish).


He's 45?  Ermmmmmm....


and probably other things the fact that he's leaving his "card" in hfs bathrooms. 


and probably other things the fact that he's leaving his "card" in hfs bathrooms.

That's kind of hot.  Like, dirty hot.


He's 45?  Ermmmmmm....

LOL....Um yeah....I'm the type who believes the following (for the most part--ie exception when it comes to younger): "Age is just a number; some people are unlisted."
Example: My second b/f celebrated his 50'th this past January..... I was 21 - 22, he was 44 - 45 when we dated. His daughter is 5 years younger than me and happens to be the same age of my second ex-fiance'!!

So in other words, upon examining previous b/f's, I have a 28-29 year range in the dating pool. I can also say I've slept with both the 'father' and the 'son'.... Wow... Only 1 person IRL knows all this.


Only 1 person IRL knows all this.

And now we all do!  Congratulations!  That's crazy though.  In an awesome way.   :)

I don't think age is that important, but I wouldn't pursue someone twice my age.  I mean, the relative chance that his junk is still gonna be working in about five years declines at that point. 

I think it's funny that Vegan Trail Runner (VTR) took all that time to make those little cards.  He could have just used that time to practice his social skills or something.  Ya know?


yeah.. it'd be one thing if he tacked it up on a community bulletin board.. still weird, but not as strange as leaving them in the bathroom.


I don't know.  I didn't really mean to come off harsh in posting that.  Like, I didn't do it really to make fun of the guy.  After I thought about it, I guess it seems kinda mean to laugh at someone who's just putting himself out there...that's kinda what I'm doing too on these dating sites, I guess.   I did think it was kinda funny though.  


I just like the cards.  8)


I just like the cards.  8)

Oh, you would!


yeah...well he looked 10 years younger than he actually was.....and waited like 2-3 weeks into us dating before he told me his was even more entertaining/fucked up when his own father mistook me for the daughter (or his dad's grand daughter) a family friend did the same.... :-\  But it was cool, because he had a place ON the beach!! and was a massage therapist!!  ;D We met at a party, and were the only ones not drinking, when I left, he followed me out and asked for my number, as he walked away, he was damn near skipping like a that earned him MAJOR points.



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