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The Moratorium Auditorium: In Which We Unite In Shunning Inadequacy

Crossover from the open letters thread!



OK, when I first skimmed this, I thought ppc was telling hh to drink up so that it would abort the unborn baby (that probably isn't) inside her.  I was like whattttttttt the fuck.  Then I re-read.  Oh jeeeeeez.  :o  ;D  Hahahahahaha.


I period started at approximately 1915 hours, PST.  I just about became religious.  And celebrated with a margarita.




speaking of aborting babies, there was a pro-life group outside the town hall today, where I've never seen them before, holding signs and saying prayers, and it made me really upset. I mean, it guess it's better that they were there than outside a clinic, but ugh. I just couldn't handle it.


;)b  heli, you made me smile.  The great big kind with crinkly eyes.

yay heli,  sounds like things are getting sorted - both with K and with yourself (y'know, like getting used to you dating and being sexually attracted to someone).

You made me smile lots.

Precisely. I'm smiling right back atcha. Yay!

Now, I'm not saying that I'm in love. But I'm definitely falling in lust, and finding it a good and heartwarming thing! Now that I'm so much more over my fears (of the unknown), I feel like K and I connect, and make each other happy, and can have some fun. Like, for starters, sneaking more smooches in the chiller at work. Hehee! quite thrilling. ;D >:D

And the personal confidence this has all given me is just amazing.


Awesome!  Lots of good news in this thread.

My baby is coming to visit me next weekend for Friday through Sunday.  I can't wait.  We are going to go to the park and go to the art museum and go out to eat and just be together.  I'm so excited.    :-*


Yay! I hope you two have a wonderful time. :>


I just had to read 8 pages to get caught up on this thread..even though I don't even participate in it really. It makes me smiley and happy. 

Heli  :)>>> ;)b :)>>>

and a L & C connection born or vw! ;)b ;)b ;)b

This thread is a blast.

What ever happened to baby avocado?  Isn't he/she due soon (or past due?)


What ever happened to baby avocado?  Isn't he/she due soon (or past due?)


Turned out Avocado baby was not my baby.


What ever happened to baby avocado?  Isn't he/she due soon (or past due?)


Turned out Avocado baby was not my baby.



i will say that cammers was trying to trick me last night by saying he hooked up with his little (local) crush. i was like, huh? what? because i thought his crush wasn't single. but turns out he was trying to trick me!

single and available are two very different things

he just one day yet hook up with his local crush, although i'm rooting for a vegweb connection.


My kitteh is pissed at me for replacing him with a man. :-D


Yeah.  After Cat came to live with me, no relationship was conducted in my home.  He'd have none of it.


Ok.  So I'm going on a second date with jean shorts guy.  I feel like I should be more excited.  Part of me thinks I'm digging for flaws and had unrealistic expectations to begin with.  We'll see what happens this time. 


Yeah.  After Cat came to live with me, no relationship was conducted in my home.  He'd have none of it.

Another good reason for my having stayed at K's house last night. ;D

Ok.  So I'm going on a second date with jean shorts guy.  I feel like I should be more excited.  Part of me thinks I'm digging for flaws and had unrealistic expectations to begin with.  We'll see what happens this time. 

It's hard sometimes to keep one's mind open, isn't it? But surely it's fair to expect something of people, right? I do hope you find him better than the first impressions. ;)b Or at least, I hope it becomes clear to you whether he's worth your interest, one way or t'other.


Heli, details!


*Camillus pulls out his big foam finger and starts to cheer crazily for Heli!*  :D


Heli, details!

Ah, heh, I'm not sure where to begin, or how much to tell. ::)

Background info: it wasn't our first night together; that (those) were Monday and Wednesday, at my house. :)

I'll begin by saying that while I'm very much liking being closer to K ^-^, I haven't so far had an orgasm. (I think my body is quite hard to please.) But last night I felt like I got a bit closer to that, and surely it can only get more easy/possible with more trying.

My brain has been working overtime all week, analysing my feelings and reactions about this physical relationship stuff, actually toward some good conclusions...

Uh, sorry if this post wasn't what you might have expected. ;D Please do ask me any questions you like!


Uh, sorry if this post wasn't what you might have expected. ;D Please do ask me any questions you like!

You're being coy!    ;D

My question is, what are the acts in which you engaged whilst overnighting?  Do they have names?

(You don't have to tell.  I'm just prying/being nosy.)


Uh, sorry if this post wasn't what you might have expected. ;D Please do ask me any questions you like!

You're being coy!    ;D

My question is, what are the acts in which you engaged whilst overnighting?  Do they have names?

(You don't have to tell.  I'm just prying/being nosy.)

;D It's cool. I'll tell. I'm quickly becoming much less reserved about 'matters sexual' than I ever expected. ??? ;)b

Talking, cooking, drinking ...kissing, fondling, fingering, sex, cuddling, sleeping.

How's that for a nutshell?



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